WWF | Coral Triangle Nature–based Tourism
2015 – 2017
Developing and Promoting Nature-based Tourism in the Coral Triangle
2015 – 2017
The Sustainable Nature–based Tourism in the Coral Triangle is a WWF–led project funded by the Australian Government that looks to support the 6 governments of the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI–CFF) in developing a long–term approach to more sustainable Nature–based Tourism in the Coral Triangle.
The 6 CTI–CFF countries are Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands and Timor Leste.
2iis has been involved in the project since it began in late 2015, when a detailed Baseline Analysis of the current state of tourism in the Coral Triangle was undertaken that also outlined a roadmap for the future development of Nature-based Tourism as a socio-economic development pathway for the region.
Since then, 2iis has been involved with Field Visits, Destination Planning, Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis, Stakeholder Engagement and overall Strategic Planning.
The first phase of the project concluded in July 2017 with the production of a detailed Investment Prospectus and Destination Plans for Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Timor–Leste.
The front covers of these 4 documents can be seen below, along with the original Baseline Analysis from late 2015 and ROI Analysis undertaken in May 2017.

| Images © James Morgan & WWF |