Fairtrade in the Asia–Pacific
Future Pathways Analysis
Exploring Fairtrade's role in the Sustainable Development of the Asia–Pacific to 2030.
2017 – 2019
Transforming Trade, Transforming Lives
'Transforming Trade, Transforming Lives' is an ambitious vision for Fairtrade that looks to help achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a rapid scale–up of Fairtrade in the Asia–Pacific Region from 2018 through to 2030.
The project began in June 2017 with the creation of a Discussion Paper that explored Fairtrade’s potential transformational growth pathway in the Asia–Pacific and the potential role of the SDGs and partnerships in that growth.
This built on the considerable work that had already been undertaken by Fairtrade since the official launch of the SDGs in January 2016 to explore ways the organisation could significantly grow its role in the Sustainable Development of the Asia–Pacific Region.
The Discussion Paper takes an initial look at the growth journey Fairtrade could take in the Asia–Pacific Region to 2030, the positive impact it could have on millions of vulnerable people along the way, and explores some of the questions that will need to be answered before that journey can begin.
It includes an initial analysis of Fairtrade's potential growth to 2030 in the Asia–Pacific Region and how working through the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) could help step–change this growth.
The Discussion Paper also explores some of the implications this potential growth could have on both Fairtrade in the Asia–Pacific and Fairtrade International.
The project continued beyond 2017 with 2iis undertaking further research & analysis, materials development, partnership planning and internal engagement.

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